
  • RND
  • Player#1
  • Player#2
  • Player#3
  • Player#4
  • Total
  • Settings  Changing settings mid-game starts a new round.

    • Default is 1 player.

    • Default is 5:00 minutes.
    • 3 4
      Default is 3 letters.
    • OK
      Restore Defaults



    TABS 1

    2 3
    • Single Click to select letters. They must be selected in the same order as they are spelled in the respective word and must be adjacent to one another, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
    • To select a word use ENTER or simply DOUBLE CLICK on the last letter of the desired word.
    • To deselect a letter(s) | just backtrack, in reverse letter order with single clicks.
    • To deselect all letters | click on any selected letter other than the most recent, that is, other than the last letter selected.
    • Words must be at least 3 or 4 letters long to be counted. (see minimum word size in the 'settings' tab)
    • 3 letter words = 1 point
      4 letter words = 2 points
      5 letter words = 3 points etc.
    • Scores are not tallied until the round is completed. Games have up to a 12 round maximum.
    • Each player is given 2 scores:
      all - Point total for all qualifying words chosen.
      vs - Excludes words chosen by 2 or more players.
    • NEW GAME | Starts a new game. Deletes scores from previous game and any current player word lists. You can start a new game at any time.
    • PLAY/PAUSE | restart timer, pause timer.
    • NEXT ROUND | Clears player word lists and starts a new round. If previous round was not completed it won't be scored. You can start a new round at any time, even in game play. Tip: If current letter choices aren't proving very productive, use Next Round to reshuffle for a better letter selection.
    • ENTER | Selects the word whose letters have been highlighted. This can also be done by double clicking on the last letter of the desired word.
    • NEW GAME | Starts a new game. Deletes scores from previous game and any current player word lists. You can start a new game at any time.
    • PLAY/PAUSE | restart timer, pause timer.
    • NEXT ROUND | Clears player word lists and starts a new round. If previous round was not completed it won't be scored. Start a new round at any time. Tip: Use Next Round to opt for a better letter selection.
    • ENTER | Selects the word whose letters have been highlighted. This can also be done by double clicking on the last letter of the desired word.
    • Selecting a Player# tab will do 1 of the following:
    • a.) Start the timer for that respective player's turn.
      b.) If their turn was never completed, the timer will
      resume from when it was paused and the player's turn
      will continue.
      c.) If the player's turn was completed, it will do nothing,
      but the player's word list will still be displayed.
    • Switching to a different player's tab while the game is in play, will pause play for the deselected player and resume or start play for the selected player.
    • After a round has been completed, the word lists will update to show:
    • 1.) words chosen by more than 1 player - crossed out.
      2.) words not found in the games dictionary - light gray.
    • Selecting a Player# tab will do 1 of the following:
    • a.) Start the timer for that respective player's turn.
      b.) Continue that player's turn. The timer will resume from when the player's turn was last paused .
      c.) Player's word list is still displayed even if their turn was completed. .
    • Switching to a different player's tab will pause play for the deselected player and resume or start play for the selected player.
    • Word lists update upon completion of a round:
    • 1.) words chosen by more than 1 player - crossed out.
      2.) words not found in the games dictionary - gray.
    • SCORES | 12 round maximum/game. Every completed round is scored. Each player receives 2 scores:
      all - Point total for all qualifying words chosen.
      vs - Excludes words chosen by 1 or more players.
      You can check scores at any time, game play is automatically paused. Resume play by selecting play or by clicking a player tab.
    • SETTINGS | Adjust the number of players, time limit, & minimum word size allowed. Changes will not take effect unless you click OK. Changing settings during a game starts a new round.
    • The RULES & GUTENBERG tabs | Play is paused when selected. Resume play by clicking on play or selecting a player tab.
    • SCORES | Every completed round is scored. Each player receives 2 scores:
    • all - Point total for all qualifying words chosen.
      vs - Excludes words chosen by 1 or more players.
      Check scores at any time, play is automatically paused. Resume by selecting 'play' or a 'player tab'.
    • SETTINGS | Adjust the number of players, time limit, & minimum word size allowed. Changes will not take effect unless you click OK. Changing settings during a game starts a new round.
    • The RULES & GUTENBERG | Play is paused when selected. Resume by selecting 'play' or a 'player tab'.
    • Johannes Gutenberg introduced mechanical movable type printing to Europe in approximately 1450 AD.  
    • It's difficult to overstate the impact the subsequent, 'Printing Revolution' made in transforming European society.   Literacy flourished, and mass communication spread knowledge and ideas expediently through populations of people, all in spite of the still formidable, class and cultural barriers. Ultimately, the printing press proved itself pivotal to the development of the modern era, including: the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and of course, the Reformation.  
    • The Reformation, is often referred to as, The War Of Pamphlets.   Pamphlets, only made possible due to the efficiency of mechanical movable type. It enabled Martin Luther's 95 Theses to be circulated widely as well as broadsheets outlining his position against indulgences.
    • Second in notoriety only to his introduction of movable type, is of course, Gutenberg's bible. The first printed version ever of our beloved Christian canon.
    • Johannes Gutenberg introduced mechanical movable type printing to Europe in ~1450 AD.  
    • The subsequent, 'Printing Revolution' had a profound impact on European society.   Literacy flourished, and mass communication enabled the efficient spread of knowledge and new ideas. The printing press proved pivotal to the development of the modern era, including of course, the Reformation.  
    • The Reformation, is often referred to as, The War Of Pamphlets.   Pamphlets, only made possible due to the efficiency of mechanical movable type. It enabled Martin Luther's 95 Theses to be circulated widely.
    • And then of course, there's Gutenberg's bible. The very first printed version of the Christian canon.